Our Manufacturers for Camping Equipment
Apart from their custom outfitting of VW camping busses, SpaceCamper also makes innovative camping accessories such as the mosquito net for the VW bus tailgate.
Innovative transport accessories for different types of vehicles - from bicycle racks to back boxes, all developed in Germany.
Der deutsche Hersteller Hülsberg sorgt stets für frischen Wind mit seinen hochwertigen Lüftungssystemen für Fahrzeuge.
Outwell offers practical Scandinavian-designed camping equipment that caters to the special needs of young people and families.
Die Design-Marke Weltevree aus den Niederlanden sprudelt nur so vor multifunktionalen Produktideen. Wir haben die schönsten für den Outdoorbereich bei uns im Programm.
CO²-neutral products for energy on the go, handy lighting and innovative cooking solutions are created by BioLite.
Deconsa hat in Zusammenarbeit mit den SpaceCampern eine maßgeschneiderte Matratze für die Aufstelldächer von SCA hergestellt.
High-quality camping utensils, made by the german manufacturer Gimex from the region of Bergisch Gladbach.
Falls mal wieder nix in der Nähe zu finden ist, bietet Trelino die nachhaltige Möglichkeit, zu können, wenn man muss.
Transport all your trinkets and accessories securely with the Stash It! organizer by Vanluv, whose high-quality products are designed and manufactured in Germany
South Tyrol is not only a popular camping destination, but also the home of the manufacturer of camping accessories with more than 50 years experience.